WeShare is an effort that significantly helps to improve our parish’s finances. WeShare responds to a problem and a request.
During bad weather and especially during the summer vacation months, we can see drops in our offertory collections. Despite best intentions, those collections are never fully recovered, which financially hurts our parish.
Many parishioners ask if they may make automated financial contributions to our parish, as they do in many other areas of their lives. For many people, writing 75 or more checks per year, or worrying about having enough cash-on-hand at the time of the offertory, is not ideal. WeShare answers this request.
WeShare is a direct giving program that allows us to have our financial contributions automatically withdrawn from bank accounts or credit cards.
Through WeShare, one authorizes a monthly amount to be debited from one’s checking account, savings account, or credit card. The funds are directly credited to St. Patrick’s each month. Monthly donations may be adjusted or discontinued at any time. If one typically offers cash or chooses to donate anonymously, WeShare allows one to make offerings without revealing one’s identity. WeShare participants are given annual printed reports of their offerings, as well as WeShare “donation slips”, should they like to drop something in the collection basket at Mass.
St. Patrick’s maintains our traditional envelope system. However, WeShare provides our parishioners with increased flexibility and convenience. At the same time, the increased predictability and reliability of financial contributions made through WeShare allows us to serve St. Patrick’s needs more efficiently and more effectively.
To participate in WeShare one simply completes an enrollment form and sends it to our parish office. Or you may join on-line.